Graham Watkins Author.
To the commanding officer of the British Garrison at Mafeking.
Following the British Government's refusal to meet the demands of the Afrikaner nation, as set out in President Kruger's ultimatum, a state of war was declared between us on the 11th October 1899. My orders are to seize Mafeking and take possession of the Province of Bechuanaland. I have sufficient forces at my disposal to carry out my orders and ask for your immediate surrender to avoid the unnecessary bloodshed of Christian white people. Failure to comply will result in the bombardment and destruction of the town together with its inhabitants, a consequence which will be entirely your responsibility. My messenger, Field Cornet Riebeek, will wait for your reply.
Signed General Piet Cronje.
Themba Jabulani is sentenced to death, by firing squad, for stealing a kid goat. His crime; trying to save his family from starving. The railway yards at Mafeking, surrounded by 6000 Boer commandos, are the key to communications between Bulawayo and Kimberley.
It is understood that you have armed Bastards, Fingoes and Baralongs against us - in this you have committed an enormous act of wickedness...reconsider the matter, even if it cost you the loss of Mafeking... disarm your blacks and thereby act the part of a white man in a white man's war.
Signed General Cronje 29th October 1899
General Cronje's orders are clear; take Mafeking and drive the British out of Africa. Themba's prosecutor, Colonel Baden Powell, Mafeking's commanding officer, is no ordinary soldier and his defence of the town will be no ordinary fight. Themba Jabulani is a victim of a white man's war. A war where there are strange rules. A war where innocents will be sacrificed and heroes will be made.
Boer 155mm Creusot Long Tom at Mafeking.
Black Watch Auxiliaries.
An Historical novel of the Boer War and Mafeking